99.99999% of you are always welcome here.
I ♥ you all, and find some guilty pleasure in knowing
that you like coming here and reading about me and
my family. You leave positive comments and I even chat
with some of you through email and Facebook.
I am so very thankful for the new friendships.
A few days ago I had a visitor who, hiding behind
anonymous, left me a nasty comment about
a fellow blogger whom I consider to be a friend.
The comment was hurtful, used language I don't
use, and even managed to have racism in it.
I will not tolerate this on MY BLOG.
First and foremost, this is my FAMILY blog. It is personally
insulting to me that anyone would comment on a post
that was very special to me in a way that is meant
to hurt someone. My family, and especially my children,
read this blog. No one will leave nasty or inappropriate
comments here. They will be deleted immediately, and
the commenter will be blocked.
Second, the person who was insulted is a friend.
I don't know her personal business because it is just that-
Anything she is doing or has done in her life that may
(or may not)
be the right thing to do is between her and God.
Especially if you don't buck up and admit who you are.
Hiding behind anonymous is just cowardly.
It is not for me or you to judge, and by you doing so,
I think you are just as much in the wrong as anything
(you think) she might be doing.
Grow up. We're not in high school anymore.
Get over it. Let her live her life and you live yours.
If she is not hurting you personally, move on.
If she is, tell her so-openly so that she knows who you are-
and deal with it.
Know that you and your nasty comments are
not welcome here.
For now I am not turning off my anonymous comments.
I have had some very nice people comment using the
anonymous feature, and I don't want to block that.
But I will.