Thursday, March 10, 2011

I am...

~37 weeks and 3 days pregnant.

~2 weeks and 4 days from my actual due date.

~2 weeks to the day from our scheduled c-section.

~not sure we're gonna make it that long!

~trying to enjoy the last days of this pregnancy...
because it may be our last.

~alternately moody and happy all the time...short
tempered and's a weird combination.

~still not sure what we're gonna name her.
(again, suggestions are welcome!!)

~uncomfortable all the time...yet still amazed at
what is going on inside my body!


~eating WAY too myself some
fierce indigestion.

~unable to draw a good, deep breath.
(seriously, have you ever looked at a diagram
of where your organs go during pregnancy??)

~trying to get my house ready...I put things off
way too long, and now I'm too big to do alot of things!

~sure she's going to be a big one.

~ready to hold our precious baby.

~blessed beyond measure.



He & Me + 3 said...

Yes, you are truly blessed. Sorry I haven't been by in a while. Life. LOL
It has been super crazy around here.
Sounds like things are going well there.
Hope you are all good! Can't wait to see pictures of the precious girl.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to hold Sweet baby girl! And if you need help getting anything ready I am just a phone call away. Also, when are your next few appointments? I have a checkup on the 18th with Dr.P, so if you have an app that day maybe we can meet up and have lunch.

Mama4Real said...

My suggestion: Adora. It means beloved. That's what we would've named our girl if we'd had one.