Isn't this typical?? He's trying to get a kiss and
I actually did get a pic of them giving each other a kiss,
But, I mean, really, do you think she'll be able to resist this face?!?
Ok, again with the frustrating spacing...
now I can't center my pictures either. :(
Anyway, I am participating in the
Random Picture Challenge by Brittney over at
This weeks picture comes from
Folder 16 or August 08
and should be the 28th picture.
What a great way to start the day!!
I won an award!!
Kelli, my IRL friend who got us all addicted
to this crazy blog thing, sent me this great award today!
Thanks, Kelli, and right backatcha!!
Seriously, copy and paste it back on your page
cause you deserve it-again!!
Visit Kelli at Random Thoughts of a Supermom!
Kelli's super fun and crazy crafty!
I SOOOO envy admire her
cool talents and abilities!! I wish I had just
a smidge of her creativity! She has three
super cute boys, and Eli might be the
rolypoly-est cutie I've ever seen!!
I hope it's ok to pass this award on...I'm gonna anyway!
First, to my IRL friend Konnie at The Dooley's.
We've been friends for a long time.
She has one funny hubby, and 3 beautiful boys,
the youngest of whom she swears will one
day be my son-in-law!! Look out Emmie
(can you say arranged marriage??)She has been
going through alot with her mom's cancer this
year, and I love the updates on her mom
and reading the funny things the boys say!!
Next is El over at Profoundly Seth.
I must be painfully honest and say that while
I've followed her blog for quite a while, I have
mainly stayed in the land of the lurkers!
Sorry, El! Ellen has one sweet girl and three
precious boys-two here in her arms, and
one in heaven in the Father's arms.
I love reading about Seth and his
amazing journey, but I also love reading
about Ellen. She is transparent and real.
Lastly, I am giving one to Mimi over at He & Me +3.
She was my first blogging friend who wasn't also
an IRL friend! Thanks for hanging around, Mimi!
Mimi has 2 beautiful girls and one spunky handsome
boy! They all have the greatest dimples ever!!
I love Mimi's sweet soul-she has the
nicest personality, and it's fun to read about her
and her sweet family!
In other really cool news, if you follow MckMama at
you know their local news did a story on Stellan
last night. The story was moving and well done!
I was particularly impressed that the news
station made no attempt to take out the 'God angle'
of the story. God was very much given the glory!
And BTW...if you watch the story, pay
attention when they are showing all the
Stellan's name gallery pics. When the reporter
is going through all the things people wrote
Stellan's name with, 'pretzels, candy, blocks, blossoms...'
the blossoms they show are mine!! That's my Stellan pic!
I was so excited!! I saw it at midnight last night!!
Yes, I have put a LOT of lbs a few lbs
back on...
and YES, I do wear LOTS of empire
waisted shirts (that happen to look maternity but are NOT)
to cover it up...
and YES, we do have a rather impressive
(if I do say so myself)
track record of having babies...
but NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am NOT pregnant!
Please don't ask. Everyone else has already asked.
It's starting to get really stinking depressing old.
We do intend, by the grace of God,
to have at least one more, but I promise,
when it happens, we'll let you know. :)
That's enough excitement for now, I suppose...
Thanks again to Kelli.
If you're new here, welcome!
Thanks for looking around.
Y'all come back now, ya hear?
The girls lovin a ride at Wild Adventures!!
P.S. I also have a few new signatures that I will be switching
around the next few days.
So sweet.